Thursday, October 23, 2014

White White White

We finally made a definite color decision. Princie and I went to the Home Depot and looked at many colors and decided on this white for the ceilings in the house.  The exotic name of it is 'ceiling white' by  Glidden.

Why, here's a picture of Terry, painting a ceiling now!

What a guy!  Gotta love a guy who will paint the ceilings for you!  They are turning out really nice and bright and clean with a flat finish.  They should go with anything else we decide to do in the rest of the place. 

Here's a shot of the ceiling in the kitchen which was the first one he did:

Actually, I had a picture of just the ceiling but it was hard to tell it was a picture of anything, so this is the ceiling and also the ceiling fan showing the very fancy light bulbs.

I know it seems like Terry is doing all the work but Princie and I are working very hard too. For instance, we went to a few thrift stores the other day looking for treasures for the house.  On another day, we looked all through Kohls for other house supplies.  And don't forget that Home Depot visit mentioned above.  Looking at all the paint chips is an important part of house fixing up. While there, we also helped out a fellow paint shopper with advice on paint colors for her two little grandchildren.  Pink and blue was the final decision, if you're wondering.

In addition to all the shopping, we have, with the help of Karen, managed to look at one bazillion photos on Pinterest and post all that we like for future reference.  In fact, I'm going to do some more research right now!

Love, Vicki

Sunday, October 19, 2014

We Do Windows

We got sidetracked by real life for a few days and finally got back over to the swell new house yesterday. Followed by shopping for a couple of items.  After I cleaned around kitchen there was dirt on the floor and no broom, so you'll be glad to know that we're now the proud owners of a fine new broom and dust pan! 

Terry decided he'd like to clean the windows, which it turned were the dirtiest part of the house. He really enjoys a good clean window:

You gotta love a guy who also does windows!

And now they look wonderful!  I'm pretty sure that more light is coming in.

I'm looking forward to getting rid of the 10-foot-long aluminum mini blinds.  I imagine they were fancy and expensive 20 years ago but now they are bent and dirty.  Until we replace them with curtains, I like having them there to close. 

While Terry worked his way down the river, I was working hard too:

Someone has to measure things and take notes.  Don't you love the kitchen furniture?  We brought those over so we'd have a place to sit while we eat a hamburger (or take notes.)

You asked once where the pantry is. It's actually behind me in the photo above.  Here is a pic of the door:

Well that's all the excitement for today!  Wish me luck on the cabinet de-greasing!

Love, Vicki

Sunday, October 12, 2014

And Then He Cleaned the Floors

Today Terry had Big Plans and was all excited to go shampoo the carpet in the Swell New House because we figured that was the source of the malodorous problem.  So after a lot of further ado, he sprang into  action and Got R Done.  I am pretty sure he had a swell time:

 Doesn't he look like a guy having some fun?  Anyway all the bedrooms and the living room are carpeted so he did them all.  It is now clean and smells a bazillion times better.  Here is the finished product:

It passed inspection!

The carpet does look good if you like beige. 

While he did that, I watched for a while and then came home and sewed and then walked back over to see how things were going.  He sent me after hamburgers and coffee and then I came back home for a while.  It occurs to me that this was going to be me and Princie doing fun projects but so far all you have are pictures of Terry working. hahahah!

Thanks Terry!

We love all the fun projects!

Love Vicki

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Never Ending Bulbs?

We've finished buying bulbs!  Yippee!  The ones we bought yesterday didn't cover every situation as we thought they would. The dining room ceiling fan takes bulbs with tiny little screw ends.  Again it's truly impressive how wonderful the difference is.  Everything in the house, including me, looks better in there now. It's much brighter and the color is a whole lot nicer. In the rooms where the lights are likely to be on a lot - the living room and kitchen - we put LED lights and the rest are just normal cost saving types.  The light fixtures in a couple of places will need to be replaced but we'll deal with those later.

Here's a photo of the light bulb man, answering the eternal question, "How many Terrys does it take to change a light bulb?


And then once he finished in there the living room looked great!  You could read in there! Which reminds me, when I said we need to bring reading material, Terry looked at me like I was crazy. For some reason he doesn't see this house as a place of leisure, with reading and coffee drinking, the way I do.  In case you're wondering, I'm calculating the peak of the ceiling at about 14 feet.  The top of the windows is 10 feet and they are 10 feet wide.  I'm looking forward to making some curtains for them and removing the aluminum mini blinds.

 Here's a look at the dirty ceiling fan with really nice light bulbs.  All the LED bulbs say they will last 20 years and cost about 15 cents a year to run.  We have those in our living room too and really like them.

Finally, I was looking out the living room window that faces the back yard and guess what I saw??!! You can see our house from here!! So I took a photo of it. Can you see where it is?  Isn't that great?

Terry is all fired up to go over there and shampoo the carpet.  The carpet looks really nice, actually it looks new,  but it does not smell good so he has has to take action.  He's an action kind of guy. Right now he's getting his music operation ready to take over for listening while he works.  I guess the cassette player/radio doesn't work for him.

Well I've had a great birthday and now it's time to rest up from all the excitement and watch Game of Thrones. 

Love Vicki

Friday, October 10, 2014

First Visit

Today was exciting because we got to go over there a look around and while we were there the electricity was turned on!  woo hoo! So I took what I thought was LOTS of pictures and sure enough now that I'm home I don't have so many.  But I did get a swell picture of the keys to the ranch:

And another photo that tells a story is this fine piece of stereophonic equipment attached to the bottom of a kitchen cabinet!!

As you can see it even has a cassette player!!! What a lucky find!  Then we took a few notes and measurements and left for Home Depot and Walmart to pick up important items. The most important were light bulbs that were not curly.

Here's a pic of the sexy light/ceiling fan in the master bedroom:

Well, that's all the news for today.  I am very eager to go draw up a floor plan on grid paper right now.

Love Vicki

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Once Upon a House

It's a House!

I think we need to keep track of the progress on this house. Here is a pic of it from the on line listing.  After we get the keys, I'll go over and take lots of photos which I think we should call "before."

Here's the first thing we bought for it:

Right there is also a major component of the color scheme for the entire house: WHITE

And then we'll add a few more colors. So far we seem to have narrowed it down to all of them.
That's all for right now!
Love Vicki