Why, here's a picture of Terry, painting a ceiling now!
What a guy! Gotta love a guy who will paint the ceilings for you! They are turning out really nice and bright and clean with a flat finish. They should go with anything else we decide to do in the rest of the place.
Here's a shot of the ceiling in the kitchen which was the first one he did:
Actually, I had a picture of just the ceiling but it was hard to tell it was a picture of anything, so this is the ceiling and also the ceiling fan showing the very fancy light bulbs.
I know it seems like Terry is doing all the work but Princie and I are working very hard too. For instance, we went to a few thrift stores the other day looking for treasures for the house. On another day, we looked all through Kohls for other house supplies. And don't forget that Home Depot visit mentioned above. Looking at all the paint chips is an important part of house fixing up. While there, we also helped out a fellow paint shopper with advice on paint colors for her two little grandchildren. Pink and blue was the final decision, if you're wondering.
In addition to all the shopping, we have, with the help of Karen, managed to look at one bazillion photos on Pinterest and post all that we like for future reference. In fact, I'm going to do some more research right now!
Love, Vicki