After we got all the painting of the upper cabinets finished and cleaned up a little, the kitchen looked like this. It's so bright! I love it!
Then we found out there were going to be visitors. The new owner was going to come see the house in person, for the first time!! We got all excited and had to stop and think about what would be important if you were actually going to spend the night here. We thought curtains might be a good idea.
This is Terry hanging the giant curtain rod over the ten-feet-wide living room window. And in case you want to know, it's also ten feet from the top of the windows to the floor. We're only going to hang curtains over the bottom windows.
I love the way he looks when he's working.
I wonder if I like it too much?
Nope, I don't think so.
Princie and I went over to make the bed and put something over the windows in the bedrooms. Here's me doing my impersonation of a floor lamp that looks like a statue. Because, I'm never too busy to be an idiot.
Here's Princie doing her thing with a flat sheet, which we thought would make an easy, fast, temporary window cover in the master bedroom. I wonder how many years it will take for us to replace it with a real curtain? She does such a good job with a project like this.
One very important project was finishing the pantry door with a decal. Yet another idea taken straight from Pinterest.
And then I hauled some assorted doodads and thingies from my house to put in this cabinet. What you can't see here, that just amazes the heck out of me, is how over at my house I can't tell that anything is missing. I still have too much. Anyway, this turned out kind of nice. And yes, it's also an idea taken right off Pinterest.
Finally, the new furniture was delivered. There's a recliner, and the television is sitting there behind it. We'll set that up later.
And a sofa. I was over there a few days ago, and the sofa is great! I'm pretty sure I could sleep there if I were to accidentally enjoy too many cocktails and had to spend the night.
That's about all there is from that time period. The next day Janice and I took off for our week-long vacation in beautiful Bakersfield, California. More about that later.
Love, Vicki