Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ceilings - Nothing More Than Ceilings

I've been working on the master bedroom ceiling.  A little here, a little there.  You have to pace yourself with ceiling painting because of the looking up.  Your neck can get sore if you don't take a break every 1 - 2 minutes. It is now the most beautiful ceiling ever painted.  I think I was feeling my muse.  I also painted the (formerly red) ceiling fan blades with the same paint.

Here is a photo of the fabulous white ceiling project.  I'm feeling a little bit like Michelangelo!

I thought I was finished yesterday but when the sun was shining brightly and lighting the room really well, I could see the dreaded stripe around the edges from cutting in.  So this morning I dashed over there and touched up the edges.  Now it's perfect! 

That got me to looking at the living room ceiling and it has places that need some touching up too.  Poor Terry.

This morning I worked for about 15 minutes and 5 of those were cleaning my paint brush.  As I was leaving I happened to notice the burning bush out front.  It's burning now!

Isn't that pretty?

This afternoon we went out to the school to watch Max sing in the chorus.  It's one of his required classes.  It was a good time!

Love Vicki


  1. YEP! The ceiling is beautuful all right. The bush is beautiful. I wonder if it will still be burning when I get there. ?

    1. I've no idea. I don't know how it works. All our bushes are the non-burning variety.
