Yesterday I decided to start doing something. I've been doing a lot of thinking about home improvements but no doing. If that worked, I'd be slim and fit and young, and possibly a dancer. So I went over there with the intention of getting the kitchen ready for some painting. I planned to paint it all white: cabinets, bead board back splash, walls, and trim. In order of occurrence, according to some serious internet research, I needed to do the cabinets first. I took off all the cabinet doors and then removed all the hardware from them and the drawers.
After messing with the cabinets that much, I realized that they actually look pretty good and that I shouldn't paint them, but instead just clean and shine them up and put them back together with new hardware. So that's the plan now, along with all that other stuff I mentioned painted white. I think it will look great! There's the new microwave sitting there in the middle of the floor. It's hard to heat your coffee in it right now. And that is the new stove installed there. It's great! At that point, I came on home a little disappointed about not doing any painting.
So today I decided to start painting the master bedroom! I am tired of planning and want to roar into action! This is where I started:
And here I am nearing the end of the first coat. It needs a second coat of the lovely pink paint, which is called Sherry Cream by Behr. It's really a pretty color!
While I was painting the bedroom, I could see this guy working on the back yard:
Still workin' hard! So I went to check on what he was doing. When I looked out the back door, he was checking the light next to the deck:
I told him to be careful and went back to painting. Later after we were done (Terry) or quitting for the day (me), I went to look at the back yard results and it looks great! Here's the back of the house from out in the yard:
And here is another one:
He did a swell job. The bushes were sort of out of control. Also out of the flower beds. So now it's all neatened up and looking good. That might be it for the year, because it's gotten cold here. I was saying earlier that we ought to get a thermometer for that deck.
I just now polished off some Domino's pizza since I did manual labor today. It was great!
Love Vicki
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